Business and Biodiversity - European Commission
Biodiversity is the backbone of our economy and the key to a sustainable future for businesses. However, many businesses remain unaware of their dependence on and impact on biodiversity. From natural resources and services to climate regulation and economic stability, biodiversity is essential for all life on Earth.
consulter en ligneThe Business Biodiversity Platform opens a new Phase
2023.3.1 Casey Horner, Unsplash. The European Commission is launching the fifth phase of the EU BB Platform (2023-2025). As it moves towards its tenth year of operations, the Platform builds on the momentum created by the early adopters and their pioneering efforts to integrate biodiversity into business practices.
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Homepage
The 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative is a cross-sectoral collaboration of businesses that have committed to protecting and sustainably using biological diversity. As such, it is one of the first business platforms worldwide that specifically targets the challenge of biodiversity protection and has been internationally recognized by doing so.
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: About us
The businesses that have joined forces as members of the 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative advocate for the protection and sustainable use of biodiversity in partnership with other political and societal stakeholders. The Initiative members are small-, medium-, and large-scale companies from Germany and other countries and a variety of ...
consulter en ligneAbout - European Commission - Green Business
Business and Biodiversity. About. Platform team Advisory board. Members. Partners. What is EU Business Biodiversity Platform? All businesses are dependent on nature and its biodiversity to some extent. The continued loss of biodiversity represents a major risk to economic growth and our communities.
consulter en ligneThe uncomfortable relationship between business and biodiversity ...
2022.5.30 The uncomfortable relationship between business and biodiversity: Advancing research on business strategies for biodiversity protection - Panwar - 2023 - Business Strategy and the Environment - Wiley Online
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Headquarters
Headquarters. ´Biodiversity in Good Company´ Initiative e.V. Pariser Platz 6. 10117 Berlin, Germany. Veronica Veneziano. Chief Executive Officer. veronica.veneziano@business-and-biodiversity. Tel. +49 (0)30 22 60 50-10. Felix Domke.
consulter en ligne中国绿发会正式加入工商业生物多样性保护联盟 - 知乎
2022.5.18 工商业生物多样性保护联盟(China Business and Biodiversity Partnership CBBP)是由生态环境部对外合作与交流中心与相关合作伙伴,为响应《生物多样性公约》(以下简称《公约》)关于建立“商业与生物多样性全球伙伴关系”的倡议,而共同发起建立的一个非法人、非营利的中国工商业生物多样性保护交流合作平台和网络。 旨在促进工商
consulter en ligneBusiness and biodiversity: achieving the 2050 vision for biodiversity ...
2023.3.15 This article proposes the following five distinct yet mutually reinforcing strategies for bringing about transformative change in how businesses can contribute substantively to biodiversity conservation: (i) making biodiversity protection every business’s business—i.e., incentivizing micro, small, and medium enterprises alongside large ...
consulter en ligneThe Business Biodiversity Platform opens a new Phase
2023.3.1 Casey Horner, Unsplash. The European Commission is launching the fifth phase of the EU BB Platform (2023-2025). As it moves towards its tenth year of operations, the Platform builds on the momentum created by the early adopters and their pioneering efforts to integrate biodiversity into business practices. The adoption of the Kunming
consulter en ligneGerman Business for Biodiversity
Gesucht sind Unternehmen, die zeigen, was möglich ist und zum Nachahmen anregen. Solche „Biodiversity Business Commitments“ können im Rahmen der „Action Agenda for Nature and People“ bei der
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Homepage
The 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative is a cross-sectoral collaboration of businesses that have committed to protecting and sustainably using biological diversity. As such, it is one of the first business platforms worldwide that specifically targets the challenge of biodiversity protection and has been internationally recognized by doing so.
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Wirtschaft und Unternehmen
Für eine Vielzahl von Branchen und Unternehmen hingegen sind die Abhängigkeiten vielschichtig und eher indirekt, vor allem aber ist die direkte Einflussnahme begrenzt. Sie haben Schwierigkeiten, ihre Rolle für den Erhalt der Biodiversität zu verstehen und anzunehmen, Prioritäten zu setzen und relevante Maßnahmen zu ergreifen.
consulter en ligneGerman Business for Biodiversity
2022.12.19 The Action Agenda for Nature and People of the Convention on Biological Diverstiy aims at reversing biodiversity loss and promoting positive gains to 2030. All societal groups, including business stakeholders at all levels, are encouraged to participate and play a crucial role in this major transformation.. The new international biodiversity targets will
consulter en ligneBritish American Tobacco establishes a biodiversity
In 2006-2007 the Partnership and British American Tobacco developed Biodiversity Risk and Opportunity Assessment (BROA) tool and the first round of assessments were completed in all British American Tobacco’s leaf growing operations by the end of 2010. In 2011, the tool was revised based on lessons learned from the original assessments and on ...
consulter en ligneCampanha Europeia “Business and Biodiversity”
Bem-vindo (a) A Campanha Europeia “Business and Biodiversity” (European Business and Biodiversity Campaign, EBBC) é um consórcio de parceiros que apoia empresas de todas as indústrias na integração da biodiversidade na sua gestão empresarial. A nossa iniciativa-chave, financiada pelo Programa LIFE da União Europeia, visa melhorar o ...
consulter en ligneThe Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity
2021.8.12 The Global Partnership for Business and Biodiversity and its member initiatives were established further to the business engagement decisions taken at COP 10 (Decision X/21/1d and 3a) and COP 11 (Decision XI/7/1 and 5a). Their establishment demonstrated the increased understanding that business needs to play a critical role in
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Members
The member companies of the 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative have signed the Leadership Declaration, thereby committing to the integration of biodiversity conservation concerns into their entrepreneurial actions and management systems. Members are small, medium-sized and large enterprises. Here you can find an alphabetic list of the ...
Home: Environment Biodiversity Environment - Biodiversity ... The BROA tool provides a method to identify impacts and dependencies of business operations on biodiversity of a given agricultural landscapes, followed by an assessment of the various risks and opportunities that emerge, based on which plans are made and actions undertaken to ...
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Partners and Network
The 'Bodiversity in Good Company' Initiative, with its headquarters in the middle of Berlin, offers an excellent reputation, a first class network and direct dialogue with decision makers. In this way, the Initiative facilitates cooperation opportunities between the member companies, national, and international partners from politics, academia ...
consulter en ligneBiodiversity risk and opportunity assessment tool CORESTA
4 天之前 The BAT Biodiversity Partnership (British American Tobacco, Earthwatch Institute, Fauna Flora International and Tropical Biology Association) developed the Biodiversity Risk and Opportunity Assessment (BROA) tool. This was initially seen as a means of ensuring responsibility by minimising and mitigating any impacts that tobacco production
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Headquarters
Headquarters. ´Biodiversity in Good Company´ Initiative e.V. Pariser Platz 6. 10117 Berlin, Germany. Veronica Veneziano. Chief Executive Officer. veronica.veneziano@business-and-biodiversity. Tel. +49 (0)30 22 60 50-10. Felix Domke.
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Homepage
The 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative is a cross-sectoral collaboration of businesses that have committed to protecting and sustainably using biological diversity. As such, it is one of the first business platforms worldwide that specifically targets the challenge of biodiversity protection and has been internationally recognized by doing so.
consulter en ligneBusiness and biodiversity : a guide for the private sector
2024.2.14 The Convention on biological diversity was drafted with in mind the conservation of the world's natural resources, their sustainable use and the equal sharing of their benefits. Among the primary utilisers of these natural resources is industry, the pharmaceutical industry, the food industry and many more. This short guide addresses
consulter en ligneHANDBOOK - British American Tobacco
HANDBOOK - British American Tobacco
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity by Robert Watson - Project Syndicate
2019.2.22 Business and Biodiversity. Feb 22, 2019 Robert Watson. For too long, companies around the world have taken for granted the ecosystems on which production and consumption are based. And though some corporate leaders have begun to factor biodiversity into their financial assessments and overall business models, many more
consulter en ligneIndia Business Biodiversity Initiative - CII-ITC-CESD
IBBI is a multi- stakeholder group with leading Indian businesses making commitment for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. At present more than 50 Indian and Global businesses are signatory to IBBI along with 13 stakeholder and research organization. These business members contributed around 5% of India’s total GDP. Kavinder Singh ...
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Homepage
The 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative is a cross-sectoral collaboration of businesses that have committed to protecting and sustainably using biological diversity. As such, it is one of the first business platforms worldwide that specifically targets the challenge of biodiversity protection and has been internationally recognized by doing so.
consulter en ligneThe biodiversity business case: Companies need ecosystems
5 天之前 Image: Unsplash/Cédric VT. Over half of worldwide GDP is highly or moderately dependent on natural ecosystems. Protecting nature and increasing biodiversity could generate business opportunities worth $10 trillion annually and create nearly 400 million new jobs. Companies that invest in these areas are also likely to boost their reputation and ...
consulter en ligneBritish American Tobacco - Biodiversity and afforestation
6 天之前 Promoting the sustainable use of wood fuels for tobacco curing which has been the long term focus of our deforestation and biodiversity programmes as the key risk area. Since 2016, our monitoring of our contracted farmers’ wood use for curing has shown at least 99.9% was from sustainable sources; Rolling out the tools and technologies ...
consulter en ligneUK Business Biodiversity Forum
The Forum is open to all UK-based companies (including UK-based companies with significant operations overseas, and non-UK-based companies with a significant UK presence) and industry associations.
consulter en ligneITC's Biodiversity Conservation Programme
The programme follows a 3-fold approach that: ITC's Biodiversity Conservation efforts include revival of natural ecosystem services provided to agriculture, and community-driven biodiversity conservation at the watershed level. Additionally, ITC has implemented afforestation programmes for sustainable cultivation of wood as a fibre source.
consulter en ligneEuropean Business Biodiversity Campaign
Willkommen. Die europäische Business and Biodiversity Kampagne unterstützt Unternehmen aller Branchen dabei, Biodiversität in ihr strategisches Management zu integrieren. Unsere Kerninitiative, gefördert vom EU LIFE Programm, verbessert die Biodiversitätsleistung von Standards und Labels in der Lebensmittelindustrie.
consulter en ligne19 Home Business Ideas To Start In 2024 – Forbes Advisor
2024.2.2 Here are 19 home business ideas to start. 1. Virtual Assistant Business. A virtual assistant (VA) helps other business owners and executives handle some of the tasks required in day-to-day ...
consulter en ligneBiodiversity Risk Opportunity Assessment (BROA) Tool
2014.6.2 Biodiversity Risk Opportunity Assessment (BROA) Tool is developed for landscape assessment. The tool takes into account different risk to diversity in Terrestrial, Soil and Water in a landscape. It not only identifies risk but also provides opportunity to work on those risk to minimize them. The tool is mainly for Corporate and Organizations
consulter en ligneBritish American Tobacco - collaborative effort sees more
2011.5.26 The biodiversity partnership is working on a second version of Broa in 2011, having gained valuable feedback from external reviewers such as the World Wildlife Fund.
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Homepage
The 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative is a cross-sectoral collaboration of businesses that have committed to protecting and sustainably using biological diversity. As such, it is one of the first business platforms worldwide that specifically targets the challenge of biodiversity protection and has been internationally recognized by doing so.
consulter en ligneBusiness and Biodiversity:: Geschäftsstelle
Kontakt 'Biodiversity in Good Company' Initiative: Carolin Boßmeyer, Dr. Katrin Reuter. Menü ×. Home; Über uns. Vision und Ziele. Ziele; Vorteile der Mitgliedschaft. Interne Arbeitstreffen; ... eva.endres@business-and-biodiversity Tel. +49 (0)30 22 60 50-11. Lotte Hönning Projektmanagerin.
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